Domain names - trademark clearinghouse
By Sarah Chatterley.
Increasingly these days IP attorneys are being told that intellectual property is being used on the internet by third parties without the authorisation of the IP owner. There are a number of ways trade marks are being misappropriated. There are several ways a trade mark used by others can be policed.
Gone Phishing! (Unsolicited invoices)
By John Rule.
Notices are often issued by official government organisations such as the UK Intellectual Property Office (UK IPO), the European Patent Office (EPO) and the Community Trade Mark Office (OHIM) about the dangers posed to businesses and individuals by unsolicited invitations and pre-payment invoices to file trade mark applications or to have your business included in an official looking Register or Directory.
To all domain name and trade mark owners
By John Rule.
We have been made aware of a new method of scam which has recently emerged. This new development in fraudulent offers to register domain names is different in that approaches are made to owners of trade marks or domain names in the UK, by telephone rather than by email or letter.
Small claims track now available for intellectual property
Court proceedings are often a costly and time consuming aspect of defending and enforcing intellectual property (IP) and this usually discourages individuals and small companies from taking action against infringers since it is often a struggle to justify the cost.
Following the publication of recommendations for streamlining the intellectual property litigation system and for reducing the costs of pursuing lower value claims, the Patents County Court (PCC) successfully introduced procedures to help it deal more efficiently with lower value and less complicated IP claims.
Current members of the EU
To obtain trade mark protection in all of the EU via one application, please see our section on Community Trade Marks. There are currently 28 members, but a Community Trade Mark encompasses new members as they join.
Please see links to other websites for details of current members of the Madrid Protocol (International Register).